LynnNChicago Happy Wednesday November 9, 2010
Excitement on my main blog yesterday requires some explanation and so I will tell you what I can. One of our regular commenters on the blog happens to live in New York City and found herself in Jill Zarin’s neighborhood over the weekend. She snapped a few photos of the building and surrounding areas and asked me to post them on the blog so that people could get an idea of the neighborhood that Jill lives in. It turns out that this was not Jill’s building, in fact, Jill apparently lives a few blocks from where the photos were taken.
The photos were brought to the attention of Jill and her “people” by a rat who has nothing better to do with their time then report back to Zarin what we're doing on the blog.
The photos and story have been removed but not because of Jill’s people, but rather because they do not represent what they were supposed to represent, namely Jill’s neighborhood.
Keep in mind that Jill Zarin’s home address is readily available on the internet and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to find it. The condo unit that Jill lives in has apparently been for sale in the past and the address and photos of the unit are available in several different locations as many people have pointed out to me. Additionally Jill’s home address has been posted all over the internet by trolls on several blogs and internet articles. For the record, Jill’s address has never been posted on my blog and if it ever were to be posted, I would delete it.
Let me also add that a few months back I was contacted by one of Jill’s people and told that someone was using my name and posting on Jill’s blog page as me. It was pretty silly of them to waste their time as I’ve been blocked from Jill’s Facebook and her blog since the day I started my blog so obviously it wasn’t me. I did, however, cooperate in helping them to find out who actually did post those remarks on Jill's blog.
Best I can tell, the goal of Jill’s people was to try to get me to change the name of the blog or shut it down completely by attempting to intimidate me into thinking that I could be held responsible for these comments on Jill’s blog. When people comment on blogs or most anywhere on the internet, obviously they can type anything they want to in the “Name” field. Several times cowards have posted on different sites using my name and saying things like, “I love Jill Zarin”. Clearly, that wasn’t me! I can say that I rarely ever post comments anywhere as I have my blog where I pour out my thoughts and feelings so I really don’t have any need to post it anywhere else on the internet.
And so, Jill’s attempts at changing the name or shutting down my blog have been thwarted and the people who are attempting to sabotage or sully the blog have also failed and they’ve managed to out themselves as the simple minded people that they are. Use your free will people! Don’t read it if
you don’t enjoy it, why waste your time?
I also just want to take this opportunity to say that I believe that my blog is misunderstood by some people, mainly those who don’t actually read the blog. As so many of you pointed out, the name of the blog is how you found the blog, the name is just a means to an end, a way to attract readers. People keep coming back because they enjoy some housewives snark and the great comments posted on the blog. I realize that this paragraph isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about the name, you either understand it or you don’t get it and never will. I would be willing to bet that anyone with an education understands it. Others are just ignorant and don’t care to bother. In the end, I’m not hurting other bloggers or anyone else, people have free will to read it or not to read
it. Use your free will people!
Not only am I not hurting other bloggers, I encourage other bloggers, I advertise other bloggers because they have talent! People like @PutYourHairUp who writes as Real City Housewife started to announce her blog on my blog and her readership has grown to an amazing amount of people, I’m not taking credit, credit goes completely to her for her talent. I’m not naïve enough to think that those of you who read my blog, read ONLY my blog, of course you read anything Housewives related that interests you. I read Real City Housewife and Real Old Housewives’ blogs regularly. I anxiously await a new post from MickeyMouth, I advertise them on my blog because I believe these are worthwhile reading, these ladies are talented and funny!
To clear up another issue that has been widely discussed, my radio podcast (or whatever you want to call it) happened this way. Carly Hall who you hear on the show with me, originally contacted me and asked to interview me as a guest on her show. She had heard about my blog, and while I initially thought she was a bit crazy to want to interview me, I finally agreed to do it. Carly works with a web site called Winning Beauty Pageants and typically stayed with that subject matter. Carly had previously interviewed Sonja Morgan from The Real Housewives of New York and I found her to be
professional and talented.
After the interview was posted, apparently it was off the charts and had a large amount of hits on the web site and it was also posted on ITunes. Because the interview was so popular, Carly contacted me and asked if I would be interested in a weekly podcast recording, I chose the name, the format, going forward I will choose guests, etc. While I realize that Reality Buzz is something that I could have done on my own, I have no experience in this area and honestly wouldn’t know where to begin. I found the format and professionalism of Carly and her team to be outstanding. The downside was that I would be responsible for some of the fees involved in recording, editing and hosting the podcast. The producers of the show commissioned a logo and even ordered some merchandise with the logo imprinted on it, at their expense.
The plan is to get sponsors who would be interested in advertising on the show but in the meantime, the costs involved are mine. In order to help with the costs until some regular sponsors are secured, we did put out a plea for donations and we thought that it would be a good idea to offer some of the merchandise as an incentive for donations, in this case, the key chains. Hopefully this goes without saying but no one is required in any way to donate! I did do some research and asked some respected friends and family for their opinion before I jumped into this project, we’ve done only two podcasts to date and they’ve done very well. Provided I can secure some sponsors to advertise on the show, we plan on doing many more. We’re securing guests and planning some fun regular features for the show. There are no plans to charge people to listen to it, I read that somewhere, it’s not going to happen. The plea that I refer to can be found here:
Back to our regularly scheduled Housewives snark….
The magic of Twitter! We’ve been able to learn so much about what is going on with everyone’s
favorite Housewives just by reading those 140 character tweets.
A few weeks back we learned that the season end annual party of The Real Housewives of Orange County resulted in some wine to the face for Jeana Keough. Beginning with Jeana children tweeting how outraged they were, a few insiders came forward and that was enough to be able to piece together the whole story. I would bet that executives over at Bravo were frantically trying to figure out how to hack into Twitter and shut it down before anymore of the story was spread to fans.
Clearly Kara and Shane Keough (Jeana’s children) aren’t under Bravo’s gag order. I just hope that they didn’t get Jeana into any trouble with Bravo. Based on what we know, Jeana called her daughter Kara immediately after the incident to tell her what happened. I am guessing that Jeana never once thought to tell her daughter not to tweet about the incident or maybe she did. Jeana just doesn’t Tweet all that much, it probably never crossed her mind that Kara would immediately take to her IPhone or Blackberry and blab about her mother’s business. Or maybe Bravo wanted this all released to create buzz for the show?
Kara’s tweets were directed toward Tamra and I’m sure that Tamra’s desire to try and set the record straight overtook her memory of any Bravo gag order that she may have signed 3-years ago.
Kelly Bensimon of The Real Housewives of New York appeared on Russell Simmons new show last night and while I did not see it, many tweeted about Kelly wearing fur once again and getting some criticizism about it from an assistant:
@XXXXXXX TO: @SimonvanKempen re Bensimon.. She is being grilled about wearing fur from
Russell's assistant.
@SimonVanKempen: I prefer strong women who don't need their (ex) husband's last names or
(honorary) titles as validation of their identity.
@XXXXXXX TO: @SimonvanKempen i think k bensimon has a few tools missing fm her toolbox. ie -
i think she's a raging lunatic
@SimonVanKempen: vacuous ;-)
Webster’s Dictionary defines “Vacuous” as “marked by lack of ideas or intelligence”, I think that word was created specifically for Kelly Bensimon and I’m sure none of you missed the little dig at LuAnn that Simon included in his tweet.
Some of you will remember that Jill tweeted a very nice message to Alex yesterday, here’s what Jill had to say to Alex:
JillZarin: Thank you again @mccordalex for helping me today. I gave Ricki your book! Please wish Johan a happy bday. Tell him I have a present for him?
Is Jill asking if she has a present for Johan? Alex took almost a full day to respond, here was her response
@McCordAlex TO: @Jillzarin Will do and thank you -- so happy to help -- it is a great cause and a very good thing to do.....
Fans certainly did see through that, here is one of many tweets regarding Jill’s PR102 tweet..
@XXXXXXXX: @mccordalex Leopards spots don't change.....That nice tweet you got from someone last night I didn't buy it for 1 second..:D
Alex did not respond to this tweet, but Simon did..
@SimonVanKempen: It's easy to tweet but how we act is judged over time....
Does anyone else think that Simon's at the end of his rope regarding his wife's cast mates?
Simon got a bit of flack about his maiden name vs husband’s name debate. As he pointed out his first wife did take his name and years ago it was not really an option to maintain your maiden name. He’s just pointing out how things have changed and it is completely acceptable for a woman to choose to keep her name after marriage. I have to agree with Simon, I’m glad that it was perfectly acceptable for me to keep my maiden name after marrying the love of my life 12 years ago. The more choices we have, the better!
Here is a very good reason why children should not be on Twitter:
@BrielleZolciak Your real classy to tweet me & talk bad about my mom.
I think it is safe to say, “consider the source” here but I can only imagine the mean tweets that the kids of some of the Housewives must get, it just isn’t something they need to be exposed to at their age.
Until Next Time…