Saturday, September 18, 2010

Real Housewives of DC / Watch What Happens Live

I Hate Jill Zarin                   Real Housewives of DC/Watch What Happens Live   Sept 17, 2010

Bravo aired a new episode of The Real Housewives of DC as well as an Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live. 

I don’t know about any of you, but I’m a little tired of hearing about Mary’s daughter swiping her clothes out of her high tech security protected closet.  This issue was brought up no less than three times on the show.  Who puts an expensive lock on their closet to keep their kid out, then refuses to close the door?  I get that you want your child to be responsible but we’re not talking about a 5-year old stealing cookies from the cookie jar.  This is a 20 year old woman taking her mother’s clothes and wearing them.  Assuming they are returned in the condition in which she took them, sans cleaning, what is the big deal? 

Forbid your kid from taking your stuff or resign yourself to the fact that she’s going to wear things out of your closet.  If you forbid her and she does it anyway, there needs to be consequences.  This is parenting 101 folks.  Use the lock on your closet door or leave it wide open, it shouldn’t matter, your instructions to her should be what matters. 

This subject has been beaten to death and Mary’s face when she saw her daughter wearing her outfit was reason enough to let this all go, it was completely unattractive and should never be shown on TV again.  Mary’s husband is obviously done with this nonsense and just wants to watch the game on TV, me too! 

Bravo included subtitles for parts of Cat’s conversation with Mary, possibly due to the many comments on asking for help in understanding what Cat is saying.  Personally, I can understand her just fine being raised by parents and having countless relatives with British accents but I applaud Bravo for paying attention to this request.  It’s a start.

Whatever business you’re in or whatever you do to make a living, you’ve made a mistake, we all have.  What we should have done is become an advisor to rich people, we could have made a boat load of money burning sage every time they buy a new property.  We could be reading people’s charts, picking a number and telling them that everything in their lives has to relate to that number, tarot cards and palm reading. 

If the people who appear on Bravo are any representation, there are a whole lot of very smart people who spend a lot of money on this stuff.  Jeff Lewis of Flipping Out, Sonja Morgan of RHONY, Dina and Danielle of RHONJ, Vicki of RHOOC, and now we can add Lynda of RHODC. 

We, once again catch a glimpse of KC who is Lynda’s assistant and Lynda’s son’s girlfriend.  Once again I am flabbergasted that she failed to brush or style that rats nest hair, knowing she is going to be on television.  We watched as she assisted Lynda in “poofing” her jacket then joining the rest of Lynda’s family as they head out to a fundraiser.   Do you think that they left KC behind because she refuses to do something with her hair? 

Cat lost a friend to suicide and showed a more sensitive side on last night’s episode, she was clearly shaken by the news from London.  I think that she was really thrown by the tragedy and it really hit home that she needs a husband with her for moments like this. 

I can only imagine the range of emotions that Cat faced being relocated to a new country where she didn’t know anyone, had no friends in DC and with her two young girls was literally left alone for the majority of the time.  I wonder if she realized when she married the man that she loved and followed him to DC just how difficult it would be.  Did she realize how much time her husband would be away from home for long periods of time? 

Without the Real Housewives, Cat most likely wouldn’t have met Mary and Lynda who have apparently been pretty good friends to her.  It was really great of Mary to be so supportive and loving when Cat needed her most. has posted a video of Cat and her husband Charles paying tribute to the friend that they lost and it really is very touching, I don’t know if it will appear on next week’s show or it was a bonus clip, but it is worth watching:

Cat and Mary joined Lynda for the charity men’s fashion show for Men Against Breast Cancer and it was fun to see the ladies laughing and enjoying themselves, particularly Cat who seemed to really need a distraction from her grief of losing her friend.  Unfortunately, a friend of Lynda’s seemed to spark Cat’s memory of her friend and she broke down and cried.  I really did feel bad for her at that moment. 

Stacie’s search for her biological father took a bit of a strange turn, I understand that she feels it is within her rights to learn who this man is.  Clearly her biological mother isn’t going to cooperate and having no knowledge of this process, I don’t know if there are other avenues open to Stacie to get what she is looking for. 

I was concerned, however, when Stacie’s husband Jason suggested reaching out to Stacie’s half-brother who has no knowledge of anything.  No mention of his age was provided but regardless of his age, it isn’t Stacie’s place to break this news to him.  If this brother isn’t aware that Stacie exists, he would certainly not be able to help to find her father.  This bold move could only be in an attempt to force her mother’s hand and get her to provide Stacie with the information she wants about her father.  I think it’s a low blow, cheap shot and really unfair to the young man who has nothing to do with the situation.  It is not Stacie and Jason’s place to inform him of his mother’s past and they have no way of knowing what the outcome will be.  It may cause a lot of people a lot of pain and in the end may not get Stacie what she wants.  This move could really alienate Stacie’s mother and cause her to end all communication.

I am all for Stacie finding her father, if that is what she wants but I don’t think it is fair to involve people who are innocent and have nothing to do with the situation. 

Mary and her husband had Stacie and Jason to dinner and the discussion turned to Tariq and his accusations against Mary’s daughter, Lolly in the theft of Tariq’s car and Polo equipment.  I was impressed that Mary acknowledged Jason and how he stood up for her during Tariq’s attack but I just wish Mary had thanked Jason and Stacie for their support before she got intoxicated and was slurring her thanks. 

Another bit of a shocking scene was watching Lynda discussing with her teenage children her views on lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18.  Personally, I am strongly against this but Lynda seemed to think it was a great idea and not surprisingly, so did her kids.  I know I don’t have to research the statistics on drinking and driving or talk about what an awesome responsibility being allowed to drink alcohol is for everyone.  I completely disagree with Lynda’s argument that a young person of 18 years old is allowed to serve their country they should also be allowed to legally consume alcohol.  Those two activities are not in any way related and the argument makes no sense to me.  The legal drinking age used to be 18 and it was raised to 21 for very valid reasons.  Is reversing this law even on the table in Washington?  I certainly hope not! 

Lynda surprised her kids by adding that she feels marijuana should be legalized.  Was this just for shock value? 

The Salahi’s and their legal woes are becoming tiresome to me, I think it’s a travesty when a mother resorts to suing her son, however, as with all stories we are only hearing one side of the story and not even a complete story.  Tariq has never completely explained why this family squabble is happening and it isn’t all that unusual when it comes to money for families to become divided and the fight to get ugly.  It was annoying seeing the sheriff’s police arriving only to waste time when they could be dealing with real crime.  The fact that the police left allowing Tariq and Michaele to remain on the property tells me that the call was a waste of the Sheriff’s time and resources. 

I have to give Stacie props for her patience with the Salahi’s and their search for a home.  She made it abundantly clear that the Salahi’s would need to provide financial proof of their ability to purchase a property before they were even able to view these homes, yet Stacie took them to view homes without this documentation. 

Michaele and Tariq are simply cast members who like to show off their (questionable) wealth, the ridiculously expensive, huge suite in a DC hotel along with their requirements for a home in DC are just idiotic.  They have a reputation for not paying their bills, shirking responsibilities and being absurd show-offs so for Tariq to require a home that will accommodate 200 party guests is really a joke!  The worst part of the entire scene was the complete waste of Stacie’s time and energy with this couple who obviously had no intention of buying anything. 

The Salahi’s showcased the Royal Suite at the Four Seasons for Bravo’s cameras, I can only imagine that now they’re staying at the Motel 6 around the corner from IHOP.  

More shocks are coming our way next week in that I heard both Stacie and her husband Jason making comments against gay marriage.  This is a really hot topic right now and in my opinion Stacie and Jason are coming down on the wrong side.  Mary tries to stay neutral only making her appear somewhat dense.  Watch what happens: 

The good news is we are going to be treated next week to Michaele Salahi making a complete fool of herself, pretending to be alumni of the Redskins Cheerleading squad.  She has admitted to lying about this part of her background so all the more fun for us to watch her trying to “remember” the routines with the girls. 

Watch What Happens Live

With a few exceptions, I did enjoy this 30-minute program.  I, like Andy Cohen, missed Ramona because her tweets are no substitution for the real thing.  WWHL included Ramona’s two most memorable moments from last season of The Real Housewives of New York, the runway walk and the Turtle Time dance.  Go Ramona! 

Cat was put in a tough position of answering the question that we all have, is Michaele being honest when she revealed that she’s been living with MS for 17-years.  Cat already has taken on quite a bit of criticism for different issues and clearly didn’t want to be the bitch who questioned the fact that Michaele has a chronic illness.  That said, she did admit that the time she spent with Michaele provided no evidence of this illness, admittedly Multiple Sclerosis doesn’t always show visible symptoms so I think Cat handled the question the best way she could. 

Ramona made me fall in love with her all over again with some of her comments.  Ramona told Cat, “don’t be like Jill” when telling her not to blame editing on the show.  She also mirrored many people’s feelings on what she would do if she ran into Kelly Bensimon, “run in the other direction”.  Ramona admitted to running into Jill Zarin over the summer at some parties.  I completely believe her when she says she’s never swum in the “lady pond”.    

Ramona did some talking to the press over the past few days, she has revealed that we will see another new face on the NY Housewives and that all of her co-stars will be returning for another season, including Bethenny, possibly in a limited capacity. 

The “Debate” was just stupid and I highly doubt that Tyra Banks cares what DC Housewife Cat thinks about her, she probably doesn’t know who these women are. 

I know that Andy was in a rush to reveal the results of the survey, but it wasn’t Ebong who took first prize, it was Jason, Stacie’s husband.  He also mistook Tariq for Cat’s gorgeous husband, Charles.  Sacrilege darling!  Get it together Cohen! 

Off Screen News

One of our regulars who comment here, Ann aka Jeepers wrote a letter to Andy Cohen and surprisingly received a response, Ann then responded to Andy’s email here are those correspondences…

Dear Mr. Cohen,
I was a fan of BRAVO for sometime, however that has changed in the last 2wksfor the simple fact that you have lost all control in the show, and in particular, the”ladies” who appear on the Housewives venues. All of which are considered to befor adult entertainment only, albeit that minor children are allow in the shows.

I have been going from blog sites to blog site. Frankly BRAVO is loosing a lot of their fan base. You can do something about this and you should.

1. Having a young child (Ben Weiner) on the show was a bad idea. You lost a lot of respect just on that item alone. People feel and felt it was “creepy” for a man of your age and stature, to be so, “ga ga” over this young “boy”! It does not bode well for someone such as yourself to be so involved with this child, given to type of people, (quest) you have on WWHL .

2. For you to allow Teresa Giudice to come within inches(striking distance) of Danielle Staub and not do anything, and (please the entire public knows what they saw on national TV) you letting Ms. G toss you back in your chair. If that was a real deal, then shame on you for letting her get by with that as well. Are you not her “boss”? Or is that the other way around? This woman Ms. G is a ticking time bomb and will cause you and BRAVO more than you could ever imagine, it has already begun if would only hear and see what people are posting in their comments.

Which brings me to:

3. I as have many thousands of people have posted comments which never appear in the blogs, to which includes your blog as well. There are some post that appear 2 or 3 times, same poster, same comments. Why is that? This alone has turned many of the fan base off big time. These are not “couch potato” people I am talking about, these are smart, intelligent, articulate people, who have great input about what they like and don’t like.

Frankly Mr. Cohen, there are beginning not to like you, BRAVO or the Housewives shows that much any longer either. There was bright star who came, she saw and yes of course am speaking of Bethenny Frankel/Hoppy, Jason and the entire cast of “BGM”. They without a doubt their love brought more into the homes of Americans that you could have ever predicted. It is no thanks to you that happened. She is a driven individual who was going to make that happen with or without you or BRAVO. She is loved by millions of women and men as well. She has changed people’s lives for the better. She has given many hope when there wasn’t any. She got people talking about what is important to them and their families. I just don’t think you have any clue of what Bethenny Frankel is about and I feel sad for you, what a pity, what a loss for you.

Ann …………….
Tacoma, WA

Hi Ann,
Thanks for the email. I will try to respond to your points.
Re: Ben Weiner, I am offended by your description of me as “gaga” over a 13 year old boy. Ben has been a viewer favorite since he first called into the show and we’ve gotten thousands of tweets and emails from fans of the show wanting him to come on. The viewers, and I, get a kick out of his infatuation for, and knowledge of, the housewives. Your insinuation about my being “gaga” over him is disgusting. I will leave it at that.

Regarding the New Jersey reunion, at the moment I felt like something could escalate beyond a raised voice, I stood and pulled Teresa away. After she then pushed me, she apologized and I accepted. I was not hurt, nor do I think she was trying to hurt me. After that moment, we made an agreement that she wouldn’t set foot off her couch, and she did not budge for the remaining 7 and a half hours.

Regarding the comments on, I have gotten many emails about this and checked with the folks who run the website (of which I am not directly involved day to day beyond sending them my blog.) They have told me that they vet all comments manually (vs their getting automatically posted) and that some may get flagged due to content. It may be that it takes days and days for them to be read, approved and published – which isn’t a great system. They tell me they’re working on a way to automate the system so the comments can get up quicker, and that the vetting can be relaxed a bit. I believe the “content rules” by which they vet are posted on the site, but maybe people feel they’re too stringent. They are aware of people’s frustrations and are working to make the system better.

Regarding your comment that I don’t have a clue what Bethenny is about, I actually had enough of an idea of what she’s about to develop and executive produce her spinoff. She is SENSATIONAL, I agree. I love the show.

Sorry you have a bad taste in your mouth right now, hopefully you will love “Beverly Hills” Housewives and come back for Atlanta, too..

Andy Cohen
BRAVO SVP Production and Development

Dear Mr Cohen,
First let me assure you, I did not at any point in my e-mail to you, insinuate anything with regard to the minor child that appeared on WWHL. If my comments struck a nerve, that is your problem, certainly not mine. For you to make such an assumption on your part, shame on you.

The viewers know what they saw, what they heard for themselves. So they will make up their own minds.

How dare you take the credit for Ms. Frankel’s success. You do not even hold a candle to this woman. As I stated to you before, she was well on her way before BRAVO or you came along, let there be no doubt about that Mr. Cohen, for you to suggest otherwise is absurd, laughable at least.

To state you are looking or going to look into the problems with the viewers getting their comments posted, we have heard that too many times before also. This matter should have been taken care long before this, if not before it was made available for public use.

You seem to be insulting the intelligence of the American people and hold them a bit low on the totem pole, so to speak. Might I remind you, we have a devise in our hands, in case you have forgotten, It is called “THE REMOTE CONTROL”, it has an “ON” “OFF” button on it and we do know how to use it.

A saying from MS. Danielle Staub was, oh yes now I remember, “Bad move Andy, Bad move”. Now ” ain’t that nice”?

Have a nice day Mr. Cohen and good luck.

Tacoma, Wa.

Thank you Ann (Jeepers) for sharing these emails with us!  Thank you to Boston02127 for posting them for Ann. 

What do you all think about Andy’s explanation and responses to Ann’s concerns? 

I just wanted to also quickly point out that I reported a few weeks ago that Bethenny would not be permanently leaving RHONY but would continue to make appearances on the show and that has now been confirmed. 

I also reported long before anyone else that Teresa and Caroline were not friends but in fact were only friendly on the surface to combat a common enemy, Danielle Staub.  Other outlets have finally picked up on the tension between Teresa and Caroline. 

Until Next Time….