I Hate Jill Zarin Top Chef Reunion/Top Chef Just Desserts Sept 25, 2010
Overall I enjoyed the reunion, I don’t think we needed those ridiculous morphing baby photos, it was actually a little uncomfortable to watch, even the chef’s seemed to be nervous laughing and not really thinking it was all that funny…but that’s Bravo for you, they seem to think we’re all Jr. High School age and enjoy stupidity like that.
Head Judge Tom Colicchio, continues to have that “I don’t give a damn” attitude. He seems to be completely over this show and was even called out during the reunion for being crabby this season. He has “checked out” to the point where I truly believed that he would not appear on next seasons All Star version of Top Chef. Right before the episode aired, Chef Tom tweeted this:
@Tom_Colicchio: Find out what went down with the pea puree, the fan favorite and what is in Padma's future. Tune in to tonight's reunion.
He makes it sound as though “Padma’s future” is the All Star upcoming season and he’s not a part of it, certainly no other project for Padma was announced on the reunion. Just yesterday Bravo put out a short synopsis of the show and Tom’s name is included but rumors were flying that Anthony Bourdain would replace Tom in the upcoming season 8 of Top Chef.
The other thing that Chef Tom lets fly is the fact that “Fan Favorite” was supposed to be announced on the reunion show but Andy Cohen’s ego ensured that it was announced on his Watch What Happens Live. This was really unfair to viewers and contestants. Wouldn’t it have been nice for the rest of the chef’s, judges and hosts to be there for the announcement and be allowed to congratulate Tiffany?
I’m sure it was a nice concession for Tiffany to get a big ole congrats from Andy’s folks! (Sarcasm) I get the impression that Chef Tom isn’t nearly as impressed with Andy Cohen as Cohen is with himself and announcing the fan favorite is just one example of that. Obviously if Tom thought the announcement was to be made on the reunion show, which is what was expected and Andy taking that away from the cast of the show was very selfish! He did the same thing last season and worse, the winner wasn’t even in the studio, he was on a horribly inadequate web cam via Skype.
This season’s winner, Kevin, was asked if he felt he had an advantage and won because he had Top Chef Winner of season 6, Michael Voltaggio as his suet chef. I think that very same thought was going through many people’s minds. I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to say that Michael is a cut above the rest of the chef’s who’ve appeared on Top Chef. I only wish Kevin’s response had shown more confidence in himself. Rather than saying he could have won with either Michael or Hung, he should have said, I was the winner regardless of who helped me prepare that final meal.
I still think Ed is a bit of a sissy and while he didn’t outright blame Ilan, his suet chef, he certainly didn’t give the man any credit. I was happy to see Padma give Ilan a bit of a boost, he always seems to get those little digs insinuating that he’s not as good as the other Top Chef winners but Padma reminded us that he did, after all, beat the bunch and win the title, he must be a pretty darn good chef!
The reunion brought us a lot of montage’s including one entitled Kenny vs. Angelo. We watched a distinct change in Angelo through the season as his confidence seemed to be slowly taken away from him. Bravo’s editing surely could have had a hand in the change as they may have wanted Angelo to be more likable once they decided to bring him back on to the All Stars show. I would have really liked for Kenny to have been included in All Stars because I don’t think we’ve seen all of his talents. Clearly Bravo has chosen personalities over talent for its All Star cast! More about the All Stars in a minute.
The pea puree mystery was still not solved, while Angela insists she watched Alex prepare the peas, Kelly added that she saw Alex buy the peas at the store. Tiffany just doesn’t believe it and Ed didn’t seem to think that Angela was a credible witness. Chef Tom insists that there is no footage of Alex preparing a puree, Ed leaving his prepared puree behind or anyone taking the puree out of the cooler, Andy adds that if any of that footage existed, it would surely have been aired. Of course Alex continues to declare his innocence stating he’d never steal but Tiffany insisted Alex appeared nervous and guilty.
Yes, Tiffany announced just one day later on Watch What Happens Live that Alex was innocent but I think that was what she was told to do, I really do. It seemed scripted and obviously her opinion didn’t change overnight.
Kenny didn’t seem all that pleased as he was presented with a t-shirt that read “Beast In The Kitchen” but he did treat viewers to the same words tattooed onto his chest, I could have lived without that display.
I thought the montage of Stephen’s criticisms was hysterical. Clearly this guy’s cooking was abysmal and it makes you wonder how he even got on the show to begin with. There has to be chef’s out there that auditioned for the show that could have performed better, it makes you wonder about the people who chose the cast. The wide array of adjectives used to describe how bad his food was kept me laughing, but I wonder if he found it funny?
There were some really great Montage’s of the chef’s in the “Stew Room”, Angelo is a Russian spy and the Judges Blooper reel but the best had to be the practical jokes that the chef’s played on each other. I think the budget for plastic wrap had to be astronomical! Bravo did a nice job overall with the reunion, overlooking the idiotic “if they had a baby together” nonsense, the show was really great.
Even in the judges blooper’s Chef Tom didn’t seem as though he was enjoying his gig anymore. I really think he’s done, he may still be under contract but I believe that his days on this show are numbered.
Kevin correctly named all six previous Top Chefs in order, winning all of the contestants a slew of wine from the Quick Fire line. Kevin certainly is joining a talented group including, Harold from Season one, Ilan from Season two, Hung from Season three, Stephanie from Season four, Hosia from Season five and Michael from Season six. These seven chefs are certainly a talented group.
The All Star cast was announced on the reunion show, and they are:
Elia Aboumrad; Season 2
Stephen Asprinio; Season 1
Richard Blais; Season 4
Jennifer Carroll; Season 6
Tiffany Derry; Season 7
Tiffani Faison; Season 1
Carla Hall; Season 5
Mike Isabella; Season 6
Jamie Lauren; Season 5
Dale Levitski; Season 3
Antonia Lofaso; Season 4
Spike Mendelsohn; Season 4
Angelo Sosa; Season 7
Dale Talde; Season 4
Casey Thompson; Season 3
Marcel Vigneron; Season 2
Fabio Viviani; Season 5
Tre Wilcox; Season 3
Some of these chefs were in 7th or 8th position during their time on Top Chef, leading me to believe that the real heavy hitters who didn’t actually win like Bryan Voltaggio or Kevin Gillespie either refused the invitation or producers felt that they would dominate the rest of the contestants. Possibly it was only personalities that mattered. Jamie Lauren for example, she was eliminated in 7th position during season 5 but was a guest blogger during a few seasons and seemed to have some fans perhaps that is the reason for her inclusion.
Personally, I’m sick to death of Marcel, his face seems to appear in one way or another every year, I just don’t find him very interesting. His attitude is ridiculous and he’s obnoxious.
I would have liked to see Cliff return, Cliff was disqualified for his stunt of trying to shave Marcel’s head. Yes, it was wrong, he admitted he was wrong and sincerely apologized to all of his cast mates. He was a strong chef and made a mistake, he deserves another chance.
I like many of the choices, Casey from Season 3 and Fabio from Season 5 definitely deserve another shot at the crown.
Some of the judges picked their favorites, Gail pointed to Tre and Tom mentioned Tiffany from Season One reminding viewers just how close she was to beating Harold. Eric noted that he’d be rooting for Jennifer as she’s now working for him but also didn’t discount Marcel.
This season is scheduled to begin airing in December and I’m looking forward to it.
Top Chef Just Desserts
Gail Simmons is doing a great job of impersonating Padma, in fact, she’s better at it than Padma. I think Gail has picked up all of the good characteristics of Padma and left the bad all while displaying many good traits of her own. She looks amazing and has just the right amount of compassion without showing favorites. It must be difficult, she knows that she is going to be compared to Padma and I think she’s performing admirably.
The chef’s Quick Fire challenge is to create a dessert using penny candy, they were all pretty creative with the exception being Seth who absolutely loses his mind and cries because he didn’t quite finish his dish. Falling into the arms of the judge and crying, “the Red Hots are for my mommy”. Really Seth? I’m speechless, and I’m never speechless.
The bottom three in the challenge include Seth along with Eric and Heather C. The good news follows and Heather H, Zack and winner Danielle are called out as the top three. Zach very classy tells the others to “Suck it bitches!” And so Danielle has immunity for the elimination challenge.
The chefs are given ten minutes to shop behind a well- stocked bar loaded with liquor and fruit and are told to prepare a dessert based on their favorite cocktail. Cry baby, Seth pulls the short straw and is the last one to shop leaving little ingredients and naturally what Seth has in mind is already been picked over forcing him to make another choice, more crying, screaming and swearing ensues as the other contestants try to cheer him on but Seth sees it as harassment and has another melt down in front of the judges.
Eric, who is not a trained pastry chef but works in a bakery seems to think, like all of the others, that his days are numbered due to his lack of knowledge in advanced techniques. Ensuring that no other contestant include pineapple in their dessert, Eric who happened to pull number one took all of the pineapple and prepared a pineapple upside down cake. This was good enough to land him in the top three regardless of its simplicity.
Seth prepares some insanely complicated gin based dish including eleven different elements that results in an odd looking blue cake and landing him in the bottom three where he tells judges that he can’t promise not to break down and cry again in the future. Still not enough to send him home, Tim’s soupy custard was pronounced almost inedible and he was sent packing.
Yigit, Eric and Erika come out on top with Erika winning it all having prepared a dessert based on a Margarita, what’s not to love?
Still a bit early to try to predict the winner, there is no doubt that both Yigit and Erika are showing a lot of promise.
Housewives News
Dina Manzo had another Twitter war, this time in private as she sent Direct Messages to a Twitter friend, @AMerems and involving our very own @PutYourHairUp (Real City Housewife). Here’s what I know:
These two lovely ladies were discussing between themselves the wedding of Dina and Tommy Manzo and commenting on those insanely expensive 500 butterflies that Dina ordered to be placed in the centerpieces at her reception.
Apparently Our Real City Housewife has made an impact with her hysterically funny blogs and this concerned Dina. Dina sent a private message to @AMerems asking her to convince RCH not to write a blog about the cost of her wedding, here are Dina’s private Tweets:
@DinaManzo: tell putyourhairup it was a MILLION dollars Pay attention
@DinaManzo: PULEEEEEZE ; ) BTW It wasn't even close 2 that, pays w OWN the place & pull favors
@DinaManzo: My husband & I work very hard for what we have. We live very comfortably but we don't have BH money, watch & see...don't be mean
@DinaManzo: AND I wasn't putting them down, I said it should be interesting. God bless them for doing well. GOOD NIGHT!
@DinaManzo: I was telling YOU to be nice, but I see u are a tweethole like the rest of them. Sorry, time to block yo ass...xo : )
This is the explanation from @AMerems:
Hi, we were talking about her butterfly for $500 on Twitter, Putourhair up & I , she said she should had save $ from the wedding & fix her house & what a waste the butterfly’s were. Dina saw those tweets and sent me the msgs. Today, I was telling Twighlight about the DM's last night and they used her real twitter name when talking about it, (the wedding the butterfly etc.) Then Dina saw it & DM’d me again with that last tweet all I did was relate the message she had ask me to deliver & told the story tonight to the rest of the girls.
Dina has a horrible temper and while she tries to portray herself as “Zen” and a nice person, don’t be fooled for a minute. If you missed the Twitter war that I had with Dina a few weeks back, here is the link to that detailing the incident:
In addition to Dina’s nasty tweets that she will either send in private DM’s or she’ll later delete so that they no longer appear in her timeline, she tweets under the name of her cat, Grandma Wrinkles with some of the foulest, nastiest, disgusting material I’ve ever seen! She deletes those too but I’ve documented those in past blogs as well.
This woman has some real anger issues and while it has been widely reported that her marriage is a sham, her husband cheats and she basically lives alone with her daughter, she has already put out there that over the top wedding. I don’t really understand why she’s concerned about a blogger reporting on it again it isn’t new information. I would even go as far as to say that Dina is just as unstable as Kelly Bensimon, she just hides it a little bit better.
Thank you to @AMerems for sharing that with me and allowing me to post. I would bet that RealCityHousewife aka @putyourhairup will provide a more detailed report in her blog. Thanks ladies! Make sure you follow them both on Twitter.
Teresa Giudice of the Real Housewives of New Jersey will be driving her husband to his AA meetings that will most likely be required before he can get his license back. He’s lost his license for two years! Thank you to New Jersey for getting this menace to society off the road. Let’s see how long it takes for them to catch him driving on a revoked license again.
Tamra Barney of the Real Housewives of Orange County filed charges against her soon-to-be ex-husband for domestic violence when he reportedly threw a dog’s leash at her, apparently there wasn’t enough evidence to pursue the case:
Thank you to Boston02127 and Icantstandthetoxicity for those links.
More links to enjoy, thank you as always to @SassNSauceBBC
Michaele Salahi Cohosts 'Today' with KLG and Hoda—to Our Horror | Fancast News http://bit.ly/cAk43O
'Real Housewives' casting shakeups: Can each series survive without its most controversial character? | EW.com http://bit.ly/b8PWut
'It was Awkward and Horrible' on 'The Real Housewives of DC' http://bit.ly/9Zdtox
Bethenny Frankel does Closet Confessions video for Bluefly.com - PopWrap http://bit.ly/aPog5w
Until Next Time….

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Teresa Giudice / Patti Stanger
I Hate Jill Zarin Teresa Giudice/Patti Stanger September 18, 2010
Fantastic news, Joe Giudice will be paying for his crimes, he was recently caught driving again on a suspended license. You will recall that his minimal punishment included revoking his driver’s license for a reduced time of 9 months rather than the original 12 months. Joe seems to think that rules don’t apply to the father of four, he will now leave his wife and daughters for 10-days starting sometime next week to sit in jail. This could be like a spa get-away for Giudice, no twirling pizza dough or listening to screaming children, just 10-days of R&R. Keep on driving Joe, maybe eventually you’ll get the punishment you deserved for drinking and driving.
Luckily Teresa, who does all her own cooking, cleaning and caring for her children still has her parents living on site to help out with the kids while Joe’s gone. Hopefully they can pick up the slack of the endless time and effort Joe puts into raising his daughters. Oops, did I contradict myself?
Radar Online broke the story reporting that the most recent arrest and conviction were kept under wraps from the press by having a different name on the court records, luckily Teresa slammed RadarOnline on Twitter earlier in the day ensuring that Radar will slant every Giudice story to the negative. Nice work Teresa!
@Teresa_Giudice: I never look at radaronline. Crappy site crashes my computer. :) xx
Everyone’s favorite matchmaker, Patti Stanger will be returning to Bravo soon and I thought you might all enjoy some of her pearls of wisdom. (yes, this is sarcasm)
@pattistanger: Men fall in love through their eyes, women fall in love through their ears.
@pattistanger: Score some points...take your man to a "guy" concert. Eminem, Blink 182, KISS
@pattistanger: Four phases of a relationship: Honeymoon, Discern & decide, Negotiation, and Engagement.
@pattistanger: Always be completely honest when online dating. (And if you are looking for a good dating site, try http://www.psxoxo.com) ♡
@pattistanger: Smart women assess the buyer without wasting any more time than necessary.
@pattistanger: You can’t change a shark into a dolphin when it gets caught in your net.
@pattistanger: Bars and clubs: Men go there to hook up, not to find a wife.
@pattistanger: You can’t fix a guy. If he’s got too many issues, he’ll always have another problem.
@pattistanger: Cruise Ships: Single men do not go on cruises. They go with their wife, girlfriend or mother.
@pattistanger: If you can't buy me dinner then you can't ride this ride...stay alone on your bike and peddle on by!
@pattistanger: Taking a poll: Need a cool place in LA to hit this weekend where 40 year old hot women can attract 40 year old hot men...any ideas?
Yes, you read that right, the expert, professional matchmaker is asking people on Twitter where to go in Los Angeles (her hometown) to meet hot men. She also instructs single women that bars and clubs are not a good place to meet men who are looking for long term relationships, I think maybe Bethenny and Jason would beg to differ. I think the real thing is better than psycho Patti’s opinion.
As we saw last season, Patti announced that she was engaged, showed off a heart shaped diamond and even met with and abused wedding planners all season long. About a year after Patti announced her engagement (yet only about a month after it appeared on air) she was a guest with Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live. When Andy asked her about a wedding date she exclaimed, “wow, no rush! We just got engaged!” Apparently Patti thinks that viewers are stupid and think that the engagement announcement on her miserable show as live, we all know it was filmed almost a year ago so no, Patti, you did not “just” get engaged.
After being engaged to this man who she claims to have been dating for several years, Patti announced that the engagement was dissolved. Official story, this man didn’t want children and Patti does. There are so many things wrong with this entire situation, I don’t know where to begin.
Having children at Patti’s age, while possible, is highly dangerous and unlikely. Patti’s supposedly been dating this man for several years, she only now learned that he does not want children?
I firmly believe that because Stanger was taking so much heat for being a matchmaker and being single, she somehow talked this man into posing as her fiancé for a period of one year (possibly for an exchange of cash) in order to improve her image and get people off her back about being single.
Patti flashed that ring in the faces of more people on her show last season than a strobe light in a disco, she taunted single women with this ring, she shoved it into the faces of clients trying to make a point that she was “the expert” at finding love and how to treat women.
While some may call Stanger “direct”, I call her a full on bitch who has to make others feel inferior in order to make herself feel superior. Moving her show from Los Angeles to New York City doesn’t seem to have made any difference at all, she still demeans the ladies and terrorizes her “clients”.
I strongly question her “success” rate and obviously someone had to have challenged her “98% success rate” that she claimed for the first few seasons of her show because it has now changed to “a very high success rate”. If this woman had any success’s at all, we typically see them in a follow up, for example there was a couple who were actually both millionaire clients and rather than choosing someone that Patti picked for them, they chose each other. There as one follow up with this couple and they were still long distance dating but still didn’t seem all that serious, it appears as though they just wanted to be on the show again.
Patti talks about them in this interview, again the only success that she can point to and it was her two clients finding each other by chance, not because Patti connected them:
Without any other memorable “successes” that we have been privy to, my guess is her success rate is merely that she snagged a show on Bravo and has duped the producers into thinking she actually knows what she is doing.
Does anyone remember during Patti’s first few seasons how she berated anyone who would even consider on line dating, she called it ridiculous and a horrible new “trend” in dating, she said it was impersonal and claimed to know that it had a horrible success rate. Well, guess who now has their very own on line dating site? You guessed it, Patti Stanger! This woman is a hypocrite!
For just $24.99 per month, you too can join Stanger’s dating site (or $12.99 if you commit to 6-months). I wonder if it costs extra to have her abuse and berate you just for good measure?
Stanger also offers a service in which you can call her and she’ll chat with you about your relationship issues at $90 for 30 minutes of her valuable time, she will school you on what you’re doing wrong. Her two assistants are also available for phone consultations at a reduced rate.
We also know that the gentlemen don’t pay Patti’s outrageous $10,000 fee to use her services, Bravo picks up the tab for that, I can only assume that these millionaires (if they really are in fact wealthy men) simply want to be on television. Why else would they consider being abused by this horrible woman?
Patti Stanger Trivia: Did you know Anna Nicole Smith went on a date setup by The Millionaires Club? She dated Claude Dauman on The Anna Nicole Show. (and we know how that whole story ended)
If her attitude on the show isn’t bad enough, she is videotaped having lunch with RHOA’s Kim Zolciak using disgustingly foul language and while talking on the phone with RHONY’s Jill Zarin, she is berating and verbally abusing Jill’s former friend, Bethenny Frankel. Take a look:
Is this the woman you want to handle your love life? Oh and apparently she’s an expert in making television pilots and producing a reality show.
If that isn’t bad enough, an audio recording of Stanger verbally abusing a stylist has also been released to the public. Take a listen:
Anyone who is looking for a blog about this upcoming season of Millionaire Matchmaker will have to go elsewhere, I love you all but asking me to watch this woman is just cruel.
Until Next Time….
Caroline’s deposition:
Real Housewives of DC / Watch What Happens Live
I Hate Jill Zarin Real Housewives of DC/Watch What Happens Live Sept 17, 2010
Bravo aired a new episode of The Real Housewives of DC as well as an Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live.
I don’t know about any of you, but I’m a little tired of hearing about Mary’s daughter swiping her clothes out of her high tech security protected closet. This issue was brought up no less than three times on the show. Who puts an expensive lock on their closet to keep their kid out, then refuses to close the door? I get that you want your child to be responsible but we’re not talking about a 5-year old stealing cookies from the cookie jar. This is a 20 year old woman taking her mother’s clothes and wearing them. Assuming they are returned in the condition in which she took them, sans cleaning, what is the big deal?
Forbid your kid from taking your stuff or resign yourself to the fact that she’s going to wear things out of your closet. If you forbid her and she does it anyway, there needs to be consequences. This is parenting 101 folks. Use the lock on your closet door or leave it wide open, it shouldn’t matter, your instructions to her should be what matters.
This subject has been beaten to death and Mary’s face when she saw her daughter wearing her outfit was reason enough to let this all go, it was completely unattractive and should never be shown on TV again. Mary’s husband is obviously done with this nonsense and just wants to watch the game on TV, me too!
Bravo included subtitles for parts of Cat’s conversation with Mary, possibly due to the many comments on Bravotv.com asking for help in understanding what Cat is saying. Personally, I can understand her just fine being raised by parents and having countless relatives with British accents but I applaud Bravo for paying attention to this request. It’s a start.
Whatever business you’re in or whatever you do to make a living, you’ve made a mistake, we all have. What we should have done is become an advisor to rich people, we could have made a boat load of money burning sage every time they buy a new property. We could be reading people’s charts, picking a number and telling them that everything in their lives has to relate to that number, tarot cards and palm reading.
If the people who appear on Bravo are any representation, there are a whole lot of very smart people who spend a lot of money on this stuff. Jeff Lewis of Flipping Out, Sonja Morgan of RHONY, Dina and Danielle of RHONJ, Vicki of RHOOC, and now we can add Lynda of RHODC.
We, once again catch a glimpse of KC who is Lynda’s assistant and Lynda’s son’s girlfriend. Once again I am flabbergasted that she failed to brush or style that rats nest hair, knowing she is going to be on television. We watched as she assisted Lynda in “poofing” her jacket then joining the rest of Lynda’s family as they head out to a fundraiser. Do you think that they left KC behind because she refuses to do something with her hair?
Cat lost a friend to suicide and showed a more sensitive side on last night’s episode, she was clearly shaken by the news from London. I think that she was really thrown by the tragedy and it really hit home that she needs a husband with her for moments like this.
I can only imagine the range of emotions that Cat faced being relocated to a new country where she didn’t know anyone, had no friends in DC and with her two young girls was literally left alone for the majority of the time. I wonder if she realized when she married the man that she loved and followed him to DC just how difficult it would be. Did she realize how much time her husband would be away from home for long periods of time?
Without the Real Housewives, Cat most likely wouldn’t have met Mary and Lynda who have apparently been pretty good friends to her. It was really great of Mary to be so supportive and loving when Cat needed her most.
Bravotv.com has posted a video of Cat and her husband Charles paying tribute to the friend that they lost and it really is very touching, I don’t know if it will appear on next week’s show or it was a bonus clip, but it is worth watching:
Cat and Mary joined Lynda for the charity men’s fashion show for Men Against Breast Cancer and it was fun to see the ladies laughing and enjoying themselves, particularly Cat who seemed to really need a distraction from her grief of losing her friend. Unfortunately, a friend of Lynda’s seemed to spark Cat’s memory of her friend and she broke down and cried. I really did feel bad for her at that moment.
Stacie’s search for her biological father took a bit of a strange turn, I understand that she feels it is within her rights to learn who this man is. Clearly her biological mother isn’t going to cooperate and having no knowledge of this process, I don’t know if there are other avenues open to Stacie to get what she is looking for.
I was concerned, however, when Stacie’s husband Jason suggested reaching out to Stacie’s half-brother who has no knowledge of anything. No mention of his age was provided but regardless of his age, it isn’t Stacie’s place to break this news to him. If this brother isn’t aware that Stacie exists, he would certainly not be able to help to find her father. This bold move could only be in an attempt to force her mother’s hand and get her to provide Stacie with the information she wants about her father. I think it’s a low blow, cheap shot and really unfair to the young man who has nothing to do with the situation. It is not Stacie and Jason’s place to inform him of his mother’s past and they have no way of knowing what the outcome will be. It may cause a lot of people a lot of pain and in the end may not get Stacie what she wants. This move could really alienate Stacie’s mother and cause her to end all communication.
I am all for Stacie finding her father, if that is what she wants but I don’t think it is fair to involve people who are innocent and have nothing to do with the situation.
Mary and her husband had Stacie and Jason to dinner and the discussion turned to Tariq and his accusations against Mary’s daughter, Lolly in the theft of Tariq’s car and Polo equipment. I was impressed that Mary acknowledged Jason and how he stood up for her during Tariq’s attack but I just wish Mary had thanked Jason and Stacie for their support before she got intoxicated and was slurring her thanks.
Another bit of a shocking scene was watching Lynda discussing with her teenage children her views on lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18. Personally, I am strongly against this but Lynda seemed to think it was a great idea and not surprisingly, so did her kids. I know I don’t have to research the statistics on drinking and driving or talk about what an awesome responsibility being allowed to drink alcohol is for everyone. I completely disagree with Lynda’s argument that a young person of 18 years old is allowed to serve their country they should also be allowed to legally consume alcohol. Those two activities are not in any way related and the argument makes no sense to me. The legal drinking age used to be 18 and it was raised to 21 for very valid reasons. Is reversing this law even on the table in Washington? I certainly hope not!
Lynda surprised her kids by adding that she feels marijuana should be legalized. Was this just for shock value?
The Salahi’s and their legal woes are becoming tiresome to me, I think it’s a travesty when a mother resorts to suing her son, however, as with all stories we are only hearing one side of the story and not even a complete story. Tariq has never completely explained why this family squabble is happening and it isn’t all that unusual when it comes to money for families to become divided and the fight to get ugly. It was annoying seeing the sheriff’s police arriving only to waste time when they could be dealing with real crime. The fact that the police left allowing Tariq and Michaele to remain on the property tells me that the call was a waste of the Sheriff’s time and resources.
I have to give Stacie props for her patience with the Salahi’s and their search for a home. She made it abundantly clear that the Salahi’s would need to provide financial proof of their ability to purchase a property before they were even able to view these homes, yet Stacie took them to view homes without this documentation.
Michaele and Tariq are simply cast members who like to show off their (questionable) wealth, the ridiculously expensive, huge suite in a DC hotel along with their requirements for a home in DC are just idiotic. They have a reputation for not paying their bills, shirking responsibilities and being absurd show-offs so for Tariq to require a home that will accommodate 200 party guests is really a joke! The worst part of the entire scene was the complete waste of Stacie’s time and energy with this couple who obviously had no intention of buying anything.
The Salahi’s showcased the Royal Suite at the Four Seasons for Bravo’s cameras, I can only imagine that now they’re staying at the Motel 6 around the corner from IHOP.
More shocks are coming our way next week in that I heard both Stacie and her husband Jason making comments against gay marriage. This is a really hot topic right now and in my opinion Stacie and Jason are coming down on the wrong side. Mary tries to stay neutral only making her appear somewhat dense. Watch what happens:
The good news is we are going to be treated next week to Michaele Salahi making a complete fool of herself, pretending to be alumni of the Redskins Cheerleading squad. She has admitted to lying about this part of her background so all the more fun for us to watch her trying to “remember” the routines with the girls.
Watch What Happens Live
With a few exceptions, I did enjoy this 30-minute program. I, like Andy Cohen, missed Ramona because her tweets are no substitution for the real thing. WWHL included Ramona’s two most memorable moments from last season of The Real Housewives of New York, the runway walk and the Turtle Time dance. Go Ramona!
Cat was put in a tough position of answering the question that we all have, is Michaele being honest when she revealed that she’s been living with MS for 17-years. Cat already has taken on quite a bit of criticism for different issues and clearly didn’t want to be the bitch who questioned the fact that Michaele has a chronic illness. That said, she did admit that the time she spent with Michaele provided no evidence of this illness, admittedly Multiple Sclerosis doesn’t always show visible symptoms so I think Cat handled the question the best way she could.
Ramona made me fall in love with her all over again with some of her comments. Ramona told Cat, “don’t be like Jill” when telling her not to blame editing on the show. She also mirrored many people’s feelings on what she would do if she ran into Kelly Bensimon, “run in the other direction”. Ramona admitted to running into Jill Zarin over the summer at some parties. I completely believe her when she says she’s never swum in the “lady pond”.
Ramona did some talking to the press over the past few days, she has revealed that we will see another new face on the NY Housewives and that all of her co-stars will be returning for another season, including Bethenny, possibly in a limited capacity.
The “Debate” was just stupid and I highly doubt that Tyra Banks cares what DC Housewife Cat thinks about her, she probably doesn’t know who these women are.
I know that Andy was in a rush to reveal the results of the survey, but it wasn’t Ebong who took first prize, it was Jason, Stacie’s husband. He also mistook Tariq for Cat’s gorgeous husband, Charles. Sacrilege darling! Get it together Cohen!
Off Screen News
One of our regulars who comment here, Ann aka Jeepers wrote a letter to Andy Cohen and surprisingly received a response, Ann then responded to Andy’s email here are those correspondences…
Dear Mr. Cohen,
I was a fan of BRAVO for sometime, however that has changed in the last 2wksfor the simple fact that you have lost all control in the show, and in particular, the”ladies” who appear on the Housewives venues. All of which are considered to befor adult entertainment only, albeit that minor children are allow in the shows.
I have been going from blog sites to blog site. Frankly BRAVO is loosing a lot of their fan base. You can do something about this and you should.
1. Having a young child (Ben Weiner) on the show was a bad idea. You lost a lot of respect just on that item alone. People feel and felt it was “creepy” for a man of your age and stature, to be so, “ga ga” over this young “boy”! It does not bode well for someone such as yourself to be so involved with this child, given to type of people, (quest) you have on WWHL .
2. For you to allow Teresa Giudice to come within inches(striking distance) of Danielle Staub and not do anything, and (please the entire public knows what they saw on national TV) you letting Ms. G toss you back in your chair. If that was a real deal, then shame on you for letting her get by with that as well. Are you not her “boss”? Or is that the other way around? This woman Ms. G is a ticking time bomb and will cause you and BRAVO more than you could ever imagine, it has already begun if would only hear and see what people are posting in their comments.
Which brings me to:
3. I as have many thousands of people have posted comments which never appear in the blogs, to which includes your blog as well. There are some post that appear 2 or 3 times, same poster, same comments. Why is that? This alone has turned many of the fan base off big time. These are not “couch potato” people I am talking about, these are smart, intelligent, articulate people, who have great input about what they like and don’t like.
Frankly Mr. Cohen, there are beginning not to like you, BRAVO or the Housewives shows that much any longer either. There was bright star who came, she saw and yes of course am speaking of Bethenny Frankel/Hoppy, Jason and the entire cast of “BGM”. They without a doubt their love brought more into the homes of Americans that you could have ever predicted. It is no thanks to you that happened. She is a driven individual who was going to make that happen with or without you or BRAVO. She is loved by millions of women and men as well. She has changed people’s lives for the better. She has given many hope when there wasn’t any. She got people talking about what is important to them and their families. I just don’t think you have any clue of what Bethenny Frankel is about and I feel sad for you, what a pity, what a loss for you.
Ann …………….
Tacoma, WA
Hi Ann,
Thanks for the email. I will try to respond to your points.
Re: Ben Weiner, I am offended by your description of me as “gaga” over a 13 year old boy. Ben has been a viewer favorite since he first called into the show and we’ve gotten thousands of tweets and emails from fans of the show wanting him to come on. The viewers, and I, get a kick out of his infatuation for, and knowledge of, the housewives. Your insinuation about my being “gaga” over him is disgusting. I will leave it at that.
Regarding the New Jersey reunion, at the moment I felt like something could escalate beyond a raised voice, I stood and pulled Teresa away. After she then pushed me, she apologized and I accepted. I was not hurt, nor do I think she was trying to hurt me. After that moment, we made an agreement that she wouldn’t set foot off her couch, and she did not budge for the remaining 7 and a half hours.
Regarding the comments on Bravotv.com, I have gotten many emails about this and checked with the folks who run the website (of which I am not directly involved day to day beyond sending them my blog.) They have told me that they vet all comments manually (vs their getting automatically posted) and that some may get flagged due to content. It may be that it takes days and days for them to be read, approved and published – which isn’t a great system. They tell me they’re working on a way to automate the system so the comments can get up quicker, and that the vetting can be relaxed a bit. I believe the “content rules” by which they vet are posted on the site, but maybe people feel they’re too stringent. They are aware of people’s frustrations and are working to make the system better.
Regarding your comment that I don’t have a clue what Bethenny is about, I actually had enough of an idea of what she’s about to develop and executive produce her spinoff. She is SENSATIONAL, I agree. I love the show.
Sorry you have a bad taste in your mouth right now, hopefully you will love “Beverly Hills” Housewives and come back for Atlanta, too..
Andy Cohen
BRAVO SVP Production and Development
Dear Mr Cohen,
First let me assure you, I did not at any point in my e-mail to you, insinuate anything with regard to the minor child that appeared on WWHL. If my comments struck a nerve, that is your problem, certainly not mine. For you to make such an assumption on your part, shame on you.
The viewers know what they saw, what they heard for themselves. So they will make up their own minds.
How dare you take the credit for Ms. Frankel’s success. You do not even hold a candle to this woman. As I stated to you before, she was well on her way before BRAVO or you came along, let there be no doubt about that Mr. Cohen, for you to suggest otherwise is absurd, laughable at least.
To state you are looking or going to look into the problems with the viewers getting their comments posted, we have heard that too many times before also. This matter should have been taken care long before this, if not before it was made available for public use.
You seem to be insulting the intelligence of the American people and hold them a bit low on the totem pole, so to speak. Might I remind you, we have a devise in our hands, in case you have forgotten, It is called “THE REMOTE CONTROL”, it has an “ON” “OFF” button on it and we do know how to use it.
A saying from MS. Danielle Staub was, oh yes now I remember, “Bad move Andy, Bad move”. Now ” ain’t that nice”?
Have a nice day Mr. Cohen and good luck.
Tacoma, Wa.
Thank you Ann (Jeepers) for sharing these emails with us! Thank you to Boston02127 for posting them for Ann.
What do you all think about Andy’s explanation and responses to Ann’s concerns?
I just wanted to also quickly point out that I reported a few weeks ago that Bethenny would not be permanently leaving RHONY but would continue to make appearances on the show and that has now been confirmed.
I also reported long before anyone else that Teresa and Caroline were not friends but in fact were only friendly on the surface to combat a common enemy, Danielle Staub. Other outlets have finally picked up on the tension between Teresa and Caroline.
Until Next Time….
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Real Housewives News / Top Chef Finale
I Hate Jill Zarin Real Housewives News / Top Chef Finale Sept 16, 2010
It’s been a busy Housewives news day, Danielle Staub who insists that she was not fired from The Real Housewives of New Jersey, has announced and it’s been confirmed that she will be hosting a new show for Wealth TV called “Social”. A show that is being compared to “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous”. Danielle will apparently pick up celebrities at their homes and escort them to fabulous events after touring their homes. To be completely honest, I’ve never heard of Wealth TV and I wouldn’t know how to find the show on my television, sort of like a cab in Manhattan that won’t go to Brooklyn, my TV doesn’t go there.
Danielle Staub Announces New Series http://t.co/fY45SdB
You just have to love Ramona Singer of the Real Housewives of New York, she always tells it like it is holding nothing back, a reporter got to her and she spilled the beans. All of the housewives, yes even Jill Zarin (heavy sigh) will be returning, damn you Andy Cohen! We may even add a few more to the New York cast. Ramona also confirmed rumors that Bethenny will be returning in small doses.
Bethenny Frankel has been named one of New York’s 25 most stylish people by US Weekly, a list that includes Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos. This list also includes Kelly Cutrone of Bravo’s cancelled show, “Kell On Earth” making the list a whole lot less impressive.
Kelly Bensimon just can’t get enough of the “I Hate Jill Zarin” author. Although she blocked me on Twitter months ago, she continues to apparently monitor my tweets as they relate to her. A few days ago Kelly posted four or five photos of herself on Facebook. Nothing unusual there, like a 15-year old she is forever posting photos of herself, as if we all just can’t wait to see what she’s wearing or how she has forgotten to brush her hair each day. Just for fun, I posted this tweet:
@LynnNChicago @kikilet loaded photos on FB, she forgot this one http://twitpic.com/2o95v3
kikilet to @lynnNchicago. I love that u posted this pict. Running is ugly, but keeps ur mind/ body fit in 20mins. Be selfish, take care of u.
I never used the word ugly, Kelly came up with that one on her own but I’m really interested to know why she continues to monitor my tweets after she’s blocked me? It would make your life a whole lot easier just to follow me again Kelly Bensimon, then you wouldn’t have to do a daily search.
Michaele Salahi of the Real Housewives of DC, dropped a bombshell announcing yesterday that she has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for the past 17 years. Michaele was accompanied on a morning talk show by her husband Tariq and the author of her book, famous Michael Jackson stalker Diane Diamond. Michaele broke down crying forcing her ghostwriter, Diane Diamond to break the news to the world. The news spread quickly across the internet with many people skeptical about the news.
I find it hard to believe that she would lie about something that is fairly simple for anyone to confirm or that Diane Diamond would sit with this couple and confirm their story had she not done the investigating, including confirming with Michaele’s doctor that she suffers from this chronic illness.
The interview included Tareq claiming that the couple was unable to give interviews or provide the full story that would clear their names in the “Gate Crashers” scandal due to the contract with Bravo that doesn’t allow them to discuss what happens on the show until it airs. Bravo executives claim that the Salahi’s were free to discuss it with anyone they liked. Now Bravo may have made an exception for this one incident but we do know that Bravo puts the gag order on the entire cast of the Housewives series until the episodes air, only then they may comment on what happened. With something this huge, I highly doubt that Bravo would make an exception to their rule for this one incident. Possibly the Salahi’s were allowed to speak to law enforcement and Congress if necessary, however, I do not believe for one second that Bravo allowed them to speak to “anyone” as the Bravo representative reports in this interview:
That is not to say that given the opportunity, we would hear the truth out of the Salahi’s. The problem with this couple is that one lie that you are caught in or admit to can really ruin your reputation for being honest people. They have been caught in lies and in fact, admitted to lying about certain things. Michaele, being a cheerleader doesn’t give you credibility nor does it bring you prestige. Typically, cheerleaders have a reputation for being mean girls, air heads and not the sharpest knife in the drawer. In your case, Michaele, if the shoe fits….but honey, why make things worse for yourself. I am not knocking cheerleaders, it is the reputation, don’t kill the messenger. (send hate mail to Glee producers)
Tonight’s episode will show the Salahi’s house hunting and thoroughly wasting realtor Stacie Turner’s time, showing them homes that they clearly cannot afford. Tareq and Michaele, just because you hosted the Turners at your winery under armed guard protection, that doesn’t mean you can abuse the poor woman!
Top Chef Finale
The final three chef’s, still in Singapore, were given their final task and drew knives to choose their sous chef. This season Top Chef brought back three past winners of the title, Michael Voltaggio from last season, Ilan Hall from season two and Hung Huynh from season three.
Angelo’s illness threatened to take him out of the competition and there is really no way of knowing if it negatively affected the outcome of the show. The producers admitted in interviews that they were unsure of how to handle the situation, had Angelo not been able to cook at all for the finale, most likely he would have had to be disqualified.
This season of Top Chef just did not seem as dramatic or intense as past seasons had been. The fact that Chef Tom Colicchio and Chef Eric Ripert chose the proteins for the finale didn’t challenge the chef’s nearly as much as last year’s mystery box of ingredients. It didn’t seem like the chefs were tested to their limits as contestants had been in the past.
The only one specific instruction that was unique to this season was the mandatory dessert that was required of each of the three finalists. None seemed thrown by that, and the judges seemed impressed by all three of the desserts that were prepared.
I don’t think that there is much question that Kevin had an advantage by drawing the knife with Michael’s name on it, these two had worked together in the past and clearly Michael the best chef ever to compete on Top Chef. Michael’s skills and experience had to have given Kevin the final boost of confidence to get him through the challenge.
Ed continued to hope that Angelo wouldn’t be able to compete because Ed felt that without Angelo, he would be a shoe in for the win. That type of attitude is absolutely unacceptable from a Top Chef contestant and Ed should be smart enough to know that. No less than four different times this season Ed has interviewed that he wished Angelo would be eliminated because he was his biggest competition. What kind of sissy boy has that kind of thoughts, worse expresses them on television? Isn’t it more honorable to beat the best? Doesn’t he realize how bad he looks when he talks like that? Watching last season of Top Chef should have taught him that the best of the best chefs always wanted to compete against the finest chefs. A question for Ed - why would you want to tell the world that you’re afraid to face the best chef?
Even the final judges table was a let-down, no excitement, no anticipation and they didn’t send the third place finalist away like they have in past seasons. Remember watching Kevin’s walk of shame leaving Bryan and Michael as the two finalists last season? I’d have liked to watch Ed being sent packing before Padma announced Kevin as the winner.
In all honesty, I was hoping that Angelo would win it all, however, if not Angelo, I’m very happy that it was Kevin and not Ed! Nobody wants a sissy boy Top Chef! Ba-bye Ed!
Congratulations to Kevin Sbraga, Bravo’s newest Top Chef! Great job!
Top Chef, Just Desserts
Bravo premiered its newest competition show, Top Chef Just Desserts last night immediately following the anti-climactic finale of Top Chef and I really liked it!
Gail Simmons does a great job of mimicking Padma Lakshmi with an identical format to Top Chef, Top Chef Just Desserts looks to be a winner for Bravo. Opening with the contestants atop a double decker bus baking (pun intended) under the hot sun, we quickly learn that they’re not all professionally trained pastry chefs. With all different backgrounds and not one recipe available to them, they’re off to the races with a quick fire challenge that irritated the hell out of me right off the bat.
The chefs are told that they are to make their signature dessert and are given $50 to shop for ingredients and 90 minutes to finish their dish. Fifteen minutes into the challenge, Gail stops the contestants and throws them their first curve ball, they are to transform their signature dessert into a cupcake. Yes, cupcakes are hot right now but I was actually looking forward to seeing what each of them felt was their strongest dessert. It would have been a good way to get to know them a little bit better.
Two of the chefs were unable to complete the dish, not surprisingly because turning a dessert into a cupcake is not always possible. One served empty meringue shells and the other some sloppy goopy soup like substance that apparently had good flavors but was clearly not a cupcake.
I haven’t gotten all of the names down yet, but we do have some strong personalities and based on the previews for the season, we’re going to see a few power struggles among the contestants.
Someone has to be the first to go and we typically never hear from them again, in this case Tania was sent packing with Gail’s version of “pack your knives and go” converted to “pack your tools and go”. In typical Bravo style Gail softens the blog by including, “your dessert didn’t measure up”. Yes, Bravo, I get it!
A few contestants stood out, Seth who won the quick fire, will have a Kelly Bensimon style “breakthrough” later in the season and Zac with his big personality and snarky comeback’s will be sure to make an impression.
The first elimination challenge winner, Heather, along with Seth seem like they may be the ones to beat but after only one episode, it’s tough to pick, watch what happens.
Until Next Time…..
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Rachel Zoe / Housewives News
I Hate Jill Zarin Rachel Zoe Project / Housewives News September 15, 2010
With just one episode left in the season, I found this episode to be pretty stressful for all of the cast members. The tension is building between Rachel and her husband Rodger. He is frustrated at the amount of time and attention his wife shows toward her job and fashion. Clearly, Rachel is obsessed with fashion and has a real passion for her career. I think Rodger is trying to get Rachel to have more balance in her life and enjoy some time with her husband.
As with any reality series, we see only snippets of their lives, obviously we’re seeing more of Rachel’s work and business related scenes. We have no way of knowing if the couple has dinner together on a regular basis or if they go to the movies or take vacations alone together.
What we do see is the stress on the marriage when two people want two different things. Rodger wants his wife to slow down and is ready to have a family. Rachel seems completely terrified by the very idea of a child.
Interactions between Rachel and Rodger always seem to be strained and this episode was no different. When Comedienne Amy Phillips arrived to film some Rachel Zoe spoof viral videos, Rachel and Rodger really had two completely different styles of getting the job done. Rodger is very serious and expected everyone to take it just as seriously. Rachel wanted to have a little fun with it! The tension as they filmed came through on screen with Rodger making everyone uncomfortable to the point where they didn’t seem to know what was expected of them.
The end result of the videos that you saw them filming can be seen here:
Rodger does apologize to Brad and later we see Rachel insisting that Rodger apologize to Brad. It seems as though Rachel’s team is more involved in her marriage than she is. We watch as Rodger confides in Brad about his issues with his wife.
Consistent with what we’ve seen all season, a few celebrities make guest appearances on the show. Beau Garrett, Model and actress shows up with her dog in tow for a styling session with Rachel.
Later we watch Brad head the styling team for actress Molly Sims. Somehow Brad is given incorrect information on what the client wants Molly to wear and Brad handles the problem by sending an intern back to Rachel’s studio for more clothing options. Crisis averted. I found it odd that Brad actually considered for a moment calling Rachel, I think his decision to leave her out of it was a good one.
It was a bit tedious watching Rachel and her entourage in a grocery store shopping for ingredients for a large meal that she will be cooking for her family. Rodger confides to viewers that Rachel hasn’t been inside a grocery store in years and hasn’t cooked a meal during their entire marriage. Rodger correctly points out that Rachel’s assistant doesn’t necessarily need to join their shopping outing but he does really seem to make every task more difficult because of his negativity about everything.
The meal seems to go off without a hitch, if what we heard from Rodger is true, Rachel must have had a substantial amount of help preparing the meal, but with friends and family around the table enjoying the food, in the end it was a success.
Rachel’s father makes a toast including his hope that he has another grandchild at next year’s family dinner, putting even more pressure on Rachel to have a baby.
Later Rachel talks with Joey, another Zoe assistant about having a baby and her concerns about being pregnant. She is scared that she won’t be able to carry the baby to term, she doesn’t feel that she’s strong enough. She worries about her well-being during a pregnancy, will she be sick all the time? Will she be tired all the time and unable to work, what about traveling during pregnancy? Her concerns are valid, but shouldn’t she be discussing them with her husband instead of an assistant?
Some of the comments made during the show don’t look good for this couple’s marriage. Rachel mentioned that Rodger takes the fun out of everything and Rodger added that if no baby is coming, he may not stay in this relationship.
The fact is, these scenes were filmed several months ago and as far as we know, no separation or divorce has occurred nor is there a baby on the way. Things like this tend to feed into the impression that more drama is created for the purposes of the show and maybe things aren’t really all that they seem to be on television.
Next week’s final episode looks to be full of more tension in Rachel’s marriage, watch what happens.
Teresa Giudice Bankruptcy
Still no official filing by the Giudice camp on the trustee’s documents alleging that the couple failed to include assets and income on their original bankruptcy filing. You can find that document here:
Apparently Teresa and Joe Giudice have 30-days to file a response, hopefully their attorney is working fast and furious to come up with excuses for all of these omissions, do you suppose 30-days is enough time to come up with enough lies? I wonder if they’ll request an extension from the courts? Hopefully the Giudice’s have learned that ignoring it won’t make it go away. Sort of like Teresa’s sister-in-law, she doesn’t seem to be going away. Reports continue to come in that Teresa’s brother and his wife are filming scenes for The Real Housewives of New Jersey, the rest of the cast is scheduled to begin filming soon as well. Bravo hasn’t’ released a class list yet, but we hope that Teresa won’t be late for school as we can’t wait to see her sparing with her sister-in-law, Melissa and her brother Joe.
Jill Zarin’s Summer Vacation
Jill finally took some advice from her public relations people and spent the last half of her summer laying low, but maintaining a presence on Twitter, Facebook and her web site. She was a bit of a show off but talked a lot about her daughter going away to college, being on vacation, her time in the Hamptons and other dull activities but always sure to show just how fabulous her life is!
She is still pushing that awful book on fans, sales have been dismal for Jill Zarin and her family with this publication. I wish she would just realize that she hasn’t put compiled and put out a “reference guide” for life that people will refer to in their everyday lives as she hoped. With poor writing and sometimes downright bad advice, the book has gotten some really horrible reviews.
Sure, we know that some Housewives fans have pretended to read the book an posted negative reviews on Amazon.com just because they don’t like the woman. Taking those out of the equation, there are dozens of legitimate negative reviews from people who have truly read the book, they provide examples of some of the writings and explain in detail why this book is an utter failure.
Even without Jill’s very own glowing review of her own book, to be fair, there are a few legitimate positive reviews as well, however, reading through the majority of the positive reviews, many are from friends and family of Jill’s. We read the transcript of Jill asking a radio personality to write a review of the book and when the answer was “no, it wouldn’t be ethical”, Jill proceeded to ask the radio personality to write the review under a fake name or ask her boyfriend to write it. Given that, how many positive reviews can be true readers who enjoyed this book? How many people did Jill Zarin browbeat to write her a positive review? We may never know.
While Bethenny’s book hit the New York Times Bestseller list again, eight months after its release, Jill’s book continues to fall in sales and its Amazon rating is off the charts, failing miserably.
Jill has traveled extensively over the summer, she’s spent time in Los Angeles, Florida, London and Australia. Endless interviews and public appearances in order to maintain some visibility during the off season, she appeared on several shows including Wendy Williams, Today Show and some local New York news and information shows. While Jill announced to fans that she would be a regular on LXTV in New York, she hasn’t been seen on the air after her first few appearances.
Jill tried to make the world believe that she was filming RHONY season four already by having her assistant release a photo of Jill with her dog Ginger and cameras filming. In reality Jill was filming a show for Animal Planet about her dog but was sure to let the rumors of her filming the Bravo series RHONY without correcting anyone.
Apparently Bravo was unhappy with the housewife and her antics causing her to, as per her usual, blame her assistant who released the photo and ban the guy from Twitter indefinitely. This stunt could have been a message to Bravo that Jill is anxious to return, with fans assuming she was already filming, she could have been trying to force Bravo’s hand.
Still no final word on the cast of RHONY, contracts may be signed sealed and delivered but that information is rarely released by the cast member or by Bravo but typically the cast will begin to mention that they are filming here and there.
Plenty of reports have indicated that all of the cast members have been invited back, we know that Kelly is “honored” to be asked back so she’ll most likely sign on the dotted line if she hasn’t already. I would be shocked if Alex didn’t return, she has already indicated her desire to return. Sonja, Ramona and Luann all indicated on the reunion show that they would like to return.
Bethenny and a “Bravo Executive” (could it be Andy Cohen?) seem to have a difference of opinion on whether or not Bethenny will be returning for season four of the Real Housewives of New York.
Bravo’s side of the story…
Bethenny’s side of the story…
Personally I was a little embarrassed for Bethenny in that interview, the really fake smiling in between questions was a bit much. She may have been nervous since she doesn’t do a lot of awards shows.
Remember during the honeymoon portion of Bethenny Getting Married when they spoke very briefly about moving to Los Angeles? I wonder if the hint about the Hoppy family moving to Los Angeles could turn out to be reality. But, if Bethenny is still contractually obligated to season four of the Real Housewives of New York, that could certainly hold up any plans to move to LaLa Land.
That also begs the question, will Bravo film Bethenny’s show from Los Angeles? Maybe the next season of Bethenny Getting Married will be called Bethenny Moves To California.
Until Next Time….
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